I haven't blogged in what turns out to be over 3 months after a quick research. Ugh. I LOVE to blog, and had actually really been enjoying it. But I was in a housing situation that wasn't ideal, and the person who was in charge of a roof being over my head was accessing my blog. Eventually, things I was saying were going to be held against me in one way or another. I just felt it safest and in my families best interest, not to blog for awhile. I'm now out of the situation, and quite frankly just don't care anymore.
So, to put it simply, life has changed, HUGELY, since my last update. A lot of things still need to be sorted out, but I will say this...while some aspects of my life are currently VERY screwed up, other aspects of it have me happier than I have been in a very long time. I have a lot of figuring out to do, and I'm lucky that I have a big enough support system that I can call on a friend anytime I need to vent, cry, laugh, forget....whatever.
So, my goal is to start blogging again. The trick is going to be finding the time to do it. Hopefully the next few weeks/months bring on some fantastic changes our lives. Time will tell.....
About time you blog again. Love ya girl.