As I chose the title for this blog, I was reminded of a song that I used to LOVE. It has nothing to do with what I am about to post, but now it's stuck in my head, and so I shall share it with you all..........
Song stuck in my head....
Moving on...
My life is about to change. I don't know what is ahead of me tomorrow, let alone next week, but I do know that the roof over our heads is being stripped away, and I can't afford things on my own, and I don't know what I am going to be able to do about it. Brad and I's relationship has been over for several years now, and we've just stayed here, living separate lives, under the same roof. It's been dysfunctional, but it's worked, and that is now over. I won't get into any of the details, for my own reasons, and I don't really have anymore on the issue...but if I vanish for awhile, you know why.
Uncle Perry, Aunt Connie, Aunt Barb, Uncle Mark, Mom and Uncle Toad |
Me, my brother Cameron, and my Mother
On to the better updates...This past weekend was my family reunion at my parents house. I had the most incredible weekend. I stopped and visited my bestie, Tim, on the way up. After spending a few minutes with him, we headed to my moms and got to spend the day with her, just catching up. We haven't done that in years. After the temps cooled down, we set up our tents (they live practically in the woods, so perfect camping spot). We awoke Saturday and did a few last minute things to get ready for the party, decorated some cupcakes together, and the extended family soon arrived. My sister and her family couldn't attend, and I REALLY missed them. My brother was running late, but eventually was able to make it. However, he couldn't stay the night. Last years reunion was fantastic because all of us siblings camped in the yard, and that evening, we all just spent time around the bon fire, being siblings. I was really looking forward to that this year, but understand that others couldn't stick around. Perhaps next year.
I did, however, invite an old friend over that I hadn't seen in over 8 years. We spent the evening around the fire catching up a little, and just enjoying each others company. It was nice to laugh and just have a good time.
Kylie picking purple paint off of her thigh from an earlier seating choice, Caiden going after my camera strap, and the elusive Little Jason. |
Sunday, I was contacted by my "little" brother, Jason. Jason is a kid that I met when I was maybe 12 years old. He was about 7 or so. He just became a part of my life, our family. He was such an adorable kid, and became super important to me over the years. We have continuously lost contact for one reason or the other, but always manage to "stalk" each other back out every few years. It had been about 7 years since we last saw each other, about 1 since we had talked. We made arrangements for him to come visit the family that afternoon, and I can't begin to describe how awesome it was to see him again. In my mind, he will always be "little Jason", but in reality, he is now a grown man. It's just another reminder that we are aging. We spent the entire afternoon, and evening, just reminiscing, talking about our lives, playing the standard "50 questions" and discussing ways to make sure this separation never happens again. I didn't think to get a picture of the 2 of us together, or even one with him and my parents.....or even one of just him, while he was there. However, while uploading pics of the weekend, I did manage to find this one of him in the background!
And then Monday became my slap back to reality....back to work, and now packing, and trying like hell to figure out how I am suppose to be able to move out on my own......stay tuned, this could get ugly.
I really hope this is the start of the happy you deserve. It's going to be hard. You keep in contact with me! If you need anything you know I will do everything in my power to help.